Terms and Conditions – Zero Drivers 1300699376
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Terms and Conditions

ZERO TOLERANCE - Agressive behaviour and any form of verbal or physical abuse will not be tolerated. Our team is here to help - please be respectful.

Terms and Conditions of Service / Code of Conduct 

Use of Zero Drivers designated driver services are subject to and conditional on the following terms, conditions and mutual obligations being accepted by both customers and drivers. 

General Terms

  • All bookings are subject to driver availability. The Company, ZERO DRIVERS is a Digital Booking Platform (App) and all drivers on the platform are Independent Contractors. The drivers utilise their own vehicles, who they work with, determine which jobs they accept and what times they work. 
  • Priority service is given to those customers who have Pre-Booked - we recommend doing this in advance as we are not on-demand. Planning and booking ahead is the best way to ensure your ideal pickup time. In some cases, especially on busy nights your requested time may be unavailable. We may therefore adjust the time slightly to fit you in as best as possible - we appreciate your flexibility and understanding.
  • All bookings are required via the "ZeroDrivers: We Drive Your Car" App (on App Store & Google). You will be able to see your drivers vehicle on the map as it approaches the pickup point. Ride status updates will be sent to your phone via the ZeroDrivers App. Your driver may also call or message you in the App to advise their ETA or that they are approaching / have arrived. Unless otherwise agreed they will not attempt to locate you by entering premises or property and will meet you outside at the pickup location or at your vehicle (if location is provided).
  • It is the customers responsibility to ensure notification permissions are set to "Allowed" for the ZeroDrivers App. All communication with your driver, including ride status updates, in-app messaging and contact is made directly via the App.
  • It is the customers responsibility to be ready to leave on time. As a courtesy Zero Drivers will allow customers 5 minutes of waiting time. If after that time you have not met with the driver they will commence calculating ‘Waiting Time’ at an additional cost of $2.00 per minute (plus GST). Customers must make every effort to contact the driver directly on or prior to the pickup time. 
  • Let your driver know immediately if you are going to be late. Additional waiting time is only available if the drivers schedule permits (additional fees will apply). Some nights however the driver must leave on time to meet their commitments - in this instance if you aren't ready to go at the time you booked it will be deemed a cancellation with full fare payable or rescheduling fee will apply for next available driver.
  • At the time of booking a destination address will be required and notice of any intended detours or stop-offs en route is required in the notes section. It is at the drivers discretion to make any additional stops and only where time permits.
  • For bookings in particularly busy city locations, any details such as a safe meeting/pick-up point or the exact location of your vehicle, with details if they apply:- such as security gate codes or special car park access instructions is appreciated and goes a long way towards ensuring a smooth pickup.
  • Unfortunately due to increased traffic or situations outside their control, your driver may be delayed to the pickup. They will keep you updated and provide you with an ETA at their soonest opportunity. If the delay is excessive, speak directly with your driver about suitable alternatives to ensure you and your car still get home safely. Never risk driving yourself.


 In order to make a booking, you will be required to supply Valid Credit Card details. We accept Visa, Mastercard or American Express (AMEX) - there is no surcharge. 

  • A Tax Invoice will be emailed immediately following a trip if a valid email address has been provided at the time of booking. All Tax Invoices carry a breakdown of costs including the GST component (and any surcharges, wait time, tolls, etc), with merchant fees included in the total cost of the service.
  • A Pre-Authorisation of $10.00 will be charged immediately prior to all booked trips. This will generally be refunded within 10 working days (subject to your credit card provider). In the event that this transaction fails, and you do not provide a valid card, the booking will be deemed cancelled.
  • The transaction on your statement will appear as Stripe Payment - "ZERO DRIVERS (ARMT Investments Pty Ltd)".
  • Please be aware drivers do not carry mobile 'ATM or swipe' machines, and only with prior notice accept cash
  • If you download the "ZeroDrivers" App (AppStore & GooglePlay) - you will have the opportunity to register up to three different credit cards – including American Express. So you can choose if you wish to charge a booking to either a Personal or Business Card.
  • Gratuities or ‘tips’ are entirely at the discretion of customers and should not be negotiated to replace standard fees and charges.
  • Debt Collection: In the event there is issue processing payment, we will contact you by phone/SMS asking that you promptly rectify or provide alternative method of payment. If the debt remains outstanding for more than 24hrs, at our discretion, we will apply a daily Admin Charge of $5.50 (inc GST) to cover our cost/time to pursue the debt. In the event the debt remains outstanding for more than 5 business days, at our discretion, this will be outsourced to our Debt Collection Agency (additional handling of $33 will apply, plus any legal fees by the debt collector). Should you fail or neglect to pay the Outstanding Amount your credit rating may be adversely impacted. The terms of this debt collection policy are accepted by you at the time of the booking.


  • Trip cost estimates are based on GoogleMaps being the shortest travel time - unless there is State Highway alternative route - in which case the software calculator will default to suggesting that route.
  • Final fees are calculated on the actual kilometres travelled plus the rate per minute (duration) of the trip combined, plus any tolls, wait time or additional fees incurred.
  • Any fees or expenses paid for by the driver (out of pocket), such as car park entry fees, fuel, etc are subject to a $10 administration fee.
  • Any toll roads travelled on by the driver are rounded up in value and added to the final fee (minimum $10).
  • At the discretion of the driver, waiting time rates or a fee per stop may be applied to any detours or extended stop offs between the pickup address and destination point (additional time & km's still apply).
  • Professional Drivers are available for Tours, Round-trip and Extended Services - in your own vehicle. Pricing starts at minimum 3 hours ($79 p/h) and is negotiable at time of booking for longer periods.
  • Minimum charges apply regardless of distance travelled and dependant on which service level is booked (as indicated at time of booking)
  • Up to 5 minutes is included to allow you to assemble at your vehicle. After this time your driver may apply ‘waiting time’ at $2.00 per minute (plus GST). This is charged in addition to on trip time of $0.40 per minute (plus GST).
  • A Night Rate / Early Morning Surcharge of 20% applies to all trips booked between 11pm and 8am.
  • A Public Holiday Surcharge of 20% applies to all trips booked on Public Holidays (inc Christmas Eve, New Years Eve, Easter Long Weekend and Melbourne Cup Day). Minimum fare is $119 and subject to driver availability.

Cancellations / Postponements

We understand that things don’t always go to plan - please advise your driver immediately of any change in plans or unforeseen delays as required and we will endeavour to assist, we are generally able to reschedule a booking with sufficient notice - however this may not always be possible and could be subject to "next available driver".

We suggest when possible, our driver takes "car only" home safely and you make alternate transport arrangements later in the evening. Our driver will take photos of the vehicle, lock this and leave the keys in a safe location (as agreed and accepted by you).

  • In the event of postponement or cancellation of a job within 4 hours of scheduled pick up, at our discretion, a fee equivalent to the minimum charge for the service level that was booked will apply (know as a "Rescheduling Fee"). Additional fees may apply where the driver is already dispatched/on their way or has arrived (or if the job has already been rescheduled). Waiting time may apply from the original pickup time to the new time.
  • In the even that no response / acknowledgement / failure to show within 10 minutes of the scheduled pick up time - the booking will be deemed to have been cancelled and subject to a fee equivalent to the total estimated trip (plus any waiting time)
  • Bookings cancelled within 4 hours of scheduled pick up, at our discretion, will be subject to fee equivalent to the total estimated trip.
  • Bookings cancelled within 24 hours on Public Holidays (inc Christmas Eve, New Years Eve, Easter Long Weekend & Melbourne Cup) are subject to minimum cancellation fee of $119.00, or at our discretion, will be subject to fee equivalent to the total estimated trip

** Please be aware that individual drivers may have other commitments and may not be able to accommodate extended waiting periods or rescheduling. If you require an extended waiting or reschedule a booking and another driver needs to be dispatched later, a rescheduling / cancellation fee may be incurred. 

Vehicle Compliance & Insurance Requirements

It is our inherent assumption that in booking the services through ZERO DRIVERS either by calling 1300699376 or booking direct via the App / Website for a designated driver to drive your vehicle, that your vehicle is fully compliant with the state government registration, roadworthy and insurance-related legislation. The vehicle must be Registered & Roadworthy with Full Comprehensive Insurance

  • Vehicle Registration - Customer vehicles that are to be driven by designated drivers of the Company must have valid and current registration in any Australian State or Territory and be of a Roadworthy Condition. The Company may refuse to provide the services and refuse to operate a vehicle that does not comply with this clause. Any fines or charges incurred due to a Customer not complying with this clause will be the sole responsibility of the Customer and the Company will not be liable for any of the fines or charges. 
  • Third Party at Fault - All claims where a third party is at fault are made on the Customer’s Insurance Policy and the Company will not be liable for any repair/replacement costs.
  • Designated Driver at Fault - All claims where the designated driver is at fault are made on the Customer’s Insurance Policy and the Company will not be liable for any repair/replacement costs.
  • Uninsured Vehicles - If the Customer’s vehicle is uninsured and the designated driver is at fault, the Company will not be liable for any costs whatsoever. 
  • Excess Fee/Minor Damages - Where the designated driver is found to have been at fault, the driver is responsible to pay the Customer’s Insurance Policy excess fee up to the value of $1,000; or may offer goodwill up to $750 for minor damages made payable to an accredited vehicle repairer mutually approved and selected. 
  • Traffic Fines - Company drivers are bound by Australian laws. Any traffic infringements will be the responsibility of the designated driver if the infringement is incurred during the provision of the services.
  • Vehicle Breakdown - Where a Customer's vehicle breaks down or the Company believe that it is not suitable to complete the journey, for any reason, the Customer will be liable to pay the full fare and any waiting charges may apply in addition to the full fare if the driver is retained by the Customer. 


  • All incidents involving personal injury, serious damage to vehicle/s or personal property are expected to be reported to the appropriate Authorities at the time of the incident.
  • Drivers are expected to notify ZERO DRIVERS at their earliest opportunity; during business hours on 1300699376, or by email to [email protected]
  • It is suggested that all parties involved take as many photos of the situation as possible at the scene and at the time, as well as take note of any witness’s names and phone numbers.
  • Customers are requested to also report any incident causing concern directly to ZERO DRIVERS within 24 hours of the event. Contact can be made via email to [email protected] or by calling 1300699376.
  • These procedures will assist with a speedy resolution in the unlikely event of a driver being at fault in an incident occurring. Claims of a more serious nature must immediately be referred directly to ZERO DRIVERS.
  • All drivers are sub-contractors of the company and are liable for their own damage/negligence/infringements. No further liability for injury, loss or damage is implied or accepted by ZERO DRIVERS.

Our Drivers Code of Conduct

Our drivers are selected based on their Customer Service Ethic, Excellent Driving Record, and Deference.

  • All our drivers are at least 25 years of age, and hold an Industry Authority or Professional Licence (issued in their state or territory).
  • As a minimum, this includes a Comprehensive Driving History Check, a Police/Criminal Background Check and a Medical Assessment as well as a personal screening interview before being accepted as a partner driver.
  • They are committed to providing you with a discreet and safe personal driving service.
  • We have a strict zero alcohol policy for personal drivers and their co-drivers.
  • We demand a high standard of personal presentation and a strong emphasis on customer-focused service.
  • Drivers are also cognisant of and respectful of the privacy of individual customers and are under covenant not to discuss the personal movements or any matter in relation to customers personal behaviour they may witness; this excludes any concerns or misgivings regarding the personal safety related to or lawfulness of activities witnessed which may be divulged to ZERO DRIVERS management and /or the relevant authorities.

Your Code of Conduct

Whilst driving for you in your own vehicle, your driver is legally in charge of that vehicle and as such is responsible for your safety and that of any other passengers present, as well as that of other road users.

Please be respectful and assist with any requests by the driver to ensure compliance with road rules and/or your safety and comfort.

All passengers are expected to comply with road rules and legislative regulations in the state or territory in which the service is provided and exercise common etiquette towards your driver.

  • All passengers must wear a Seat Belt
  • Passengers are prohibited from extending any limbs or items outside of the vehicle
  • No alcohol is to be consumed inside the vehicle
  • No smoking inside the vehicle (please be respectful of your driver - if you wish to smoke, the driver will pull over for a comfort stop)
  • Passengers should refrain from playing excessively loud music – this may be distracting for your driver and may void their liability - and your cover - in the event of an accident
  • Children must be restrained in approved safety restraints for their age and weight
  • Pets must be carried in the rear section of the vehicle in an appropriate restraint or carrier
  • Please refrain from using foul language or from any physical contact with your driver
  • Drivers are not authorised to carry unsupervised minors unless accompanied directly by their parent or guardian.

Failure to comply with our mutual Code of Conduct may result in access to services being denied.

Should your Zero Driver determine that either their safety or dignity has been, or is under threat of being compromised by the behaviour of a passenger/s - they reserve the right to decline a pick up or terminate a service once it has commenced - without recourse to them or ZERO DRIVERS.

The same consideration is assured for customers:- Poor behaviour by a subcontracted driver whilst representing the brand will not be tolerated and passengers are invited to notify ZERO DRIVERS immediately of any cause for concern related to their personal safety or dignity.


To maintain the integrity of the service and to ensure compliance, customers are respectfully asked NOT to request personal driving services directly from drivers and that you do not make contact with drivers directly for future bookings.

All bookings must be made via the ZERO DRIVERS App. You are welcome to request a "favorite driver" either by marking this in the App or commenting in the notes section - if that driver is available, your booking will be offered to them first.  

Additionally, we ask that customers report any driver suggesting these arrangements to us immediately - [email protected] or 1300699376


  • Reference is made to customer privacy in our Privacy Policy and Code of Conduct.
  • The information we collect in regard to your use of the service is retained for the exclusive use of ZERO DRIVERS and its contracted drivers - in order to provide you with that service; and to refer to for future bookings in order to assist with the booking process.
  • Credit or charge card details entered via our website are securely stored on a third party server - namely Stripe, our employees and subcontractors do not have any access to these details, nor are they accessible in the unlikely event that security on or access to our website was compromised

If you are found to be in violation of the Company’s Terms and policies at any time, as determined by ZERO DRIVERS, in its sole discretion, the Company may warn you or suspend or terminate your use of our Services. The Company may, in its sole discretion, cancel any outstanding Services and not provide a refund to the Customer.

Please note that we may change our Terms at any time without notice, and pursuant to the Terms, it is your responsibility to keep up-to-date with and adhere to the policies posted here.